six countries namely China, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Philippines, and a number of countries in other parts of Africa expressed interest in importing coal from Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) for the purposes of the fuel industry activities in their territories. The negotiation process is still done at the level of the Indonesian government with these countries.
It was announced by Head of Industry, Trade and Cooperation (Disperindagkop) East Kalimantan Province, Yadi Sabiannor, when talking with detikFinance by phone, Saturday (28/11/2009).
"In addition to coal, countries were also interested in importing other superior products from East Kalimantan," said Yadi.
Demand for coal from Kaltim increasingly grow in line with the operation of a number of leading coal companies such as PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) in East Kutai regency Sengatta, PT Kideco Jaya Agung in Sand County, and PT Berau Coal in Berau District.
Other countries are also importing coal from Kaltim is Japan. Nevertheless, continued Yadi, Japan is still the destination marketing of frozen seafood such as shrimp and wood from Kalimantan.
"Because in fact, the Japanese prefer seafood products and other handicrafts from Kaltim than coal," said Yadi.
Efforts to improve the quality of these products compared to other countries that still have high sales value in the importing country, in 2010 two government-appointed bank in East Kalimantan as Revolving Fund Management Institution for cooperatives and SMEs unit. Both banks are Bank Kaltim who was formerly the Regional Development Banks (BPD) who have obtained Kaltim USD 6.6 billion, and Bank Bukopin amounting to Rp 1.1 billion.
The policy has been socialized when the government held a National Workshop Disperindagkop Indonesia in Jakarta, a week ago.
"The rule is begitu.Yang revolving fund is the bank channel," added Yadi.
Not only that, the government also decided to hold various training activities, development of cooperatives and SMEs to the region, including the certification of managers, and members of cooperatives and SMEs.
"This includes the 100-day program of the President. The goal remains the national product has added value to the importing countries, "lid Yadi.
Source: DetikFinance (28 November 2009)