Wednesday, July 28, 2010

This is the aerodynamic design of the Future Railway

A futuristic train that will be coming soon in Liverpool, England, could carry passengers with speed of 225 mph (362 km per hour). Transportation renowned designer Paul Priestman has created the design of a train called 'Mercury' to change the raw technical data into something more tangible that can evoke emotions from passengers who use it. This project began in 2017 and is expected to be used starting in 2025.
aerodinamis train interior design is just similar to the luxury apartments, protected from the glass and equipped with computer screens, comfortable sofas with cushions, storage space for a folding bike, a full bar, there is an observation deck and a double decker, the facility also movies, music and game as an entertainment system. In addition, there are special areas for family, private party or business meeting as well as children playground.

According to Priestman, trains along the 400-meter Mercury will have the extension of the front face of the most amazing train in the world. Train future offers luxury with lounge and bar that reflects an elite class for tourists. With an estimated development cost of a train of 30 trillion pounds of Mercury, promised will cut journey times between London Euston and Birmingham with only 49 minutes, 1 hour 24 minutes from now

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Make Money -Monetise Blog

Build a blog for the real hard monetise difficult easy, for beginners like me memonetise a blog is hard, but for the master it is an easy matter:). In my blog memonetise choose three of the most common land use, namely: PPC, PTR, Paid links.

because I was only following the above three kinds of yes my blog to share how memonetise these three things;)

1. PPC: To start memonetise a blog with PPC, which obliged us to do is find as much traffic through search engines.
+ Just that?
- Yes, it is most important
+ Then?
- Ad placement is easy to spot if need be when the blog in the first popping open a PPC ad.

2.PTR: to build a blog that will be used to plant seeds that must be prepared PTR is populariti links, page rank and alexa.
+ Very difficult
- But the result is exorbitant

Sunroom - Various decoration for interior design

Many ways that we can do to enhance your home atmosphere, one of them is with a sunroom

A sunroom is an outdoor extension of the home in which individuals are able to enjoy the cool breezes, warm rays of the run, and shelter from bad weather. The area is also a wonderful place to take in the beauty of nature and enjoy the open are without the worry of insects or other pests. As the room stands as part of the home, it should be decorated as such. In this article we will provide a few choice ideas to aid in decorating your outdoor extension.

Framed Mirror Display
As mirrors act to naturally reflect light, they are an ideal addition to a room with a vertical open space. You may even consider hanging matching vases on each side of the mirror. These vases can be hung diagonally, or on opposite sides. This display will create an eye catching focal point for the room once the vases are filled with flowers and foliage, bringing the beauty of the outdoors that much more inward.

Window Treatments
Sun rays casting amber beams of light through panes of glass provides a great deal of natural warmth. However, there may be times in which you deem it necessary to block the harmful rays. Look for window treatments that are stylish and practical. Choose a curtain color to accent the walls and picture how nicely the window will appear with curtains open and shut. The way a window is framed can really make an impact.

Whether you need help designing your outdoor living space or just minor repair work to your sunrooms, Orlando based company offers a wide range of quality sunrooms to fit your home, taste and budget. Know more at

Monday, July 19, 2010

Healthy Living Tips - Best Foods That Prevent High Blood Pressure

Hypertension best foods.

Many ways to prevent and treat hypertension, one of them is by keeping your foods.

Do you know that "Prevention is better than cure?"

A lot of people do not even know that high blood pressure can be prevented by proper dieting. If you do not want to suffer from this silent killer disease, this article will provide you with some healthy foods that prevent high blood pressure.

Learn to Eat Snails
Snails are very medicinal and can help you reduce this plight. Snails can be found all around you. I do not really know what is in snails that make them medicinal, but it lowers high blood pressure according to recent research. Include it in your meals as meat.

Eat Sea Foods
Great bouquets of foods that keep this disease away are the sea foods. They are includes fishes, shrimps and every other edible living plants that can be found on the water. They are better off than red meat which is not advisable to be taken by a hypertensive patient.

Eat Plant Proteins
Some plants yield healthy foods that keep hypertension away. Beans for example are the best form of protein ever and because it has a high percentage of tissue repairing nutrients, it can help your cardiovascular system.

Include Cinnamon on your meals.
Do you know how effective cinnamon can be in helping you get rid of hypertension? Make sure to include it on every meal you prepare.

Garlic is essential too
Allicin is a great substance found in garlic which helps to relax blood vessels, repairs the worn damaged cardiovascular system and helps to cure this disease

Other essential foods
Check best Hypertension best foods to learn more about healthy foods to prevent high blood pressure and make sure you stay healthy and live a longer life.

Helpful Caution
High blood pressure is a "silent killer disease" which you must get rid of in order to enjoy a healthy life devoid of pains, dizziness, blurry vision, stroke and artery malfunctioning. Take proper healthy steps by eating the above foods to help prevent this plight.

You Can Learn More About Your Health By Visiting Juany Royal's Personal
Site via:

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Is it tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a treatable disease, caused by bacteria (germs) Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB can damage the lungs or the other bodies and cause severe illness.

How is TB spread?
TB is spread through the air when people who carry tuberculosis in the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes or speaks, and germs released into the air. When other people breathe in these germs. Their may be infected. Most people get TB germs from someone which are often located close to them, such as family members, friend or co-worker. TB is not transmitted through the goods and house equipment, such as cutlery, crockery, glassware, bedding, clothes or phone, so new materials and equipment for own use not required.

What is "TB infection"?

TB infection means that TB germs in the body, although not active. Often, after the TB germs enter the body, the immune germ control. However, these germs are still alive in the body many years in the inactive form. While TB germs not active, the damage could not occur, and the disease can not transmitted to others. People in such "infected", although not sick. For most people (90%) the bacteria will remain active.

The only one way someone can know whether it has infected is if there are positive results for specific skin test (Mantoux)

When does "infection" to "disease"?

Perhaps also, inactive TB germs become active despite after many years. This often occurs when the immune attenuated, due to advanced age, severe illness, an event that cause stress, drug or alcohol abuse, HIV infection (The virus that causes AIDS) or other diseases.

If the TB germs are inactive become active, germ The breeding and may damage the lungs or the other body. If the TB germs become active, TB disease can arise. Only about 10% of people infected with TB germs will getting TB disease.

What are the symptoms of TB?

TB can attack any part of the body but are most often is the lungs. Person who has tuberculosis may experience some or all of the following symptoms:
* Cough for more than 3 weeks
* Fever
* Weight loss without cause decreased
* Sweating at night
* Achieve always
* Loss of appetite

When someone needs to be checked sputum?
Someone needs to be examined sputum, if:
# A cough with phlegm for three weeks or more
# Cough with sputum containing blood

Sometimes, people who have TB coughed up bloody sputum. Some people with active TB disease experience symptoms only simple.
Tuberculosis Information - Indonesian 2001 [DOH-6140] Page 2

Are regular tests for TB?

1. Tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test) shows whether a person may be infected.
2. Chest X-ray can show whether there are impressions of TB in the lungs.
3. Sputum test shows if there are TB germs in the sputum dibatukkan.

How to prevent another:
# Immunization in infants
# Increasing the resistance of the body with nutritious food


Source: website IDAI

Friday, July 16, 2010

synopsis Film : Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal), the poor man in Persia (Iran). After showing courage in a fight, he was appointed by the king as his heir, so the two sons fighting for the king does not take the throne. He joined with Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) to rescue Sands of Time, a gift from the gods who control the time, from the hands of noblemen named Nizam (Ben Kingsley), an evil

Film Type : Action / Fantasy
Producer : Jerry Bruckheimer
Production : Walt Disney Pictures
LSF Rating : Adults (adult)
Length : 116
Cast : Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley
Alfred Molina
Director : Mike Newell
Author : Jordan Mechner, Boaz Yakin

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Solar Energy

one alternative energy source that many people are interested in solar energy
Solar energy is energy the earth receives from the sun in the form of solar radiation. We can use this energy source to generate electricity, and to heat water.

Photons contained within the suns rays, make the production of electricity possible through the use of a solar cell or panel.

The main disadvantage of the use of solar power, is that the panels can be quite expensive, and you usually need more than one solar panel, depending on how much electricity you require.

An advantage of solar electricity devices is the relative ease of installation, and the long term cost effectiveness. This makes solar panels the most common renewable energy source for home owners.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Largest Machines Coal diggers

Krupp company of Germany made the world's largest coal digger machine. This machine is broken the world record as the biggest excavators to its size reaches 95 meters long and 215 meters.
Weighing just not absurdly responsibility, reaching 45.5 thousand tons, and 2.5x the length of a football field long.
Ability of powerful engines, digging up to a distance of 10 meters a minute, and move the 76 thousand cubic meters of coal in one day.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gadget Follower functions, essential for the development of the blog widget

Like most of the Blogger, the Followers gadget has been installed on their blog. However, the installation of gadgets followers behind this - the question "What is the benefit?" then comes the question again "Is it important to install the widget followers?". Maybe some friends there who think that Blogger Followers widget is just a gadget to display a number of fans Blog / web / products / etc as well as fan-made widgets Facebook (* quote a few questions via email from a new friend join in Blogger), so, since they Followers of this gadget is not very penting2 to be installed?

Something that we all know, that the followers of this gadget is really important, the article has strong ties with traffic problems aka the number of visitors our blog. Well, if you've talked about the number of visitors this blog ... it is also associated with development of our blog in the future.

At the moment my friends install this gadget, and there are followers who follow / participate, then every time you make a new post, it will automatically appear on the Blogger dashboard followers / follower. That way, we can also call a follower of this gadget is a gadget that serves as a transmitter of the latest posts directly to your reading list on the dashboard the followers of our blog, and of course this will facilitate the followers of our blogs to visit our blog at another time. Well, here is our blog traffic started to grow, or at least already have regulars.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Novel "Bukan Di Negeri Dongeng"

Here is the ebook novels "Bukan Di Negeri Dongeng", ebook novels "Bukan Di Negeri Dongeng" is a work Helvy Tiana Rossa, Izaatul Jannah and only used as archives only and please delete in 24-hour period. If you like, please buy the original.

Synopsis Novel "Bukan Di Negeri Dongeng":

Do you have many friends who have the attitude and nature that you think is impressive? Do you know people who have a noble character, like, honest, sincere, patient and wise, full of love and memetingkan interests than the interests of the people or groups pribadai.

Maybe you will instantly say "yes I have", but after you've thoroughly thought to carry away you probably will rectify your answer was the answer "no I do not have, such people there is only an age old, jamanya the prophets." While secretly in your heart miss a friend like that figure of the "not-not only friends but this country needs people like that."

Yes this country? But what they really exist?, Land of fairy tales where did they live?. Do not be pessimistic before, through this book I'll introduce you to people like that. And among them are probably not far from you.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Arthur L. Hawkesworth (1869-1925), Inventor of the Modern Drilling Machines

In the early 20s, Hawkesworth was a mechanic at the Anaconda Copper Mining Co.

He is famous as the inventor of mine drilling machine with a drill that can be overhauled. With its discovery, a drill could be made to remain productive by simply replacing the drill tip.

Before this discovery, an operator to drill an underground mine requires many drill stem length varied from 13, 20, and 26 m to finish all his work.

Over the years Hawkesworth observes that the conventional method, the worker must send a drill rod in various sizes to workspace in the basement. After a dull drill because it is used, this drill stem must be sent to the surface to be sharpened again.

On the day Friday, May 21, 1922, held a demonstration Anaconda Drilling Hawkesworth. All mine owners, managers, engineers and mechanics to attend these trials. The test result was satisfying all present.

Within two minutes, Bor Hawkesworth able to make a hole as deep as 520 and 560 mm in the granite. Conventional drill was only able to penetrate as deep as 240 mm with the same time.

Hawkesworth invention can produce large savings both in terms of time, cost and safety.

Time savings gained from increased drilling speed and increased efficiency because the operator can always work with a sharp drill bit without waiting for the drill rod sharpened. This is because the operator can directly replace a dull drill bit with the new.

Savings also come from not requiring another person to send a blunt drill stem to the surface and bring back that has been sharpened into underground mine areas.

Personal safety can also be enhanced by the loss of the number of accidents that occurred during the drill stem from transportation activities and to the work area.