Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Information concerning TUBERCULOSIS

Is it tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a treatable disease, caused
by bacteria (germs)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB can damage the lungs or the
other bodies and
cause severe illness.

How is TB spread?
TB is spread through the air when people who carry tuberculosis in
the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes or speaks, and germs
released into the air. When other people breathe in these germs. Their
may be infected. Most people get TB germs from someone
which are often located close to them, such as family members,
friend or co-worker. TB is not transmitted through the goods and
house equipment, such as cutlery, crockery, glassware, bedding, clothes
or phone, so new materials and equipment for own use
not required.

What is "TB infection"?

TB infection means that TB germs in the body, although not
active. Often, after the TB germs enter the body, the immune
germ control. However, these germs are still alive in the body
many years in the inactive form. While TB germs
not active, the damage could not occur, and the disease can not
transmitted to others. People in such "infected", although
not sick. For most people (90%) the bacteria will remain

The only one way someone can know whether it has infected
is if there are positive results for specific skin test (Mantoux)

When does "infection" to "disease"?

Perhaps also, inactive TB germs become active despite
after many years. This often occurs when the immune
attenuated, due to advanced age, severe illness, an event that
cause stress, drug or alcohol abuse, HIV infection
(The virus that causes AIDS) or other diseases.
If the TB germs are inactive become active, germ
The breeding and may damage the lungs or the
other body. If the TB germs become active, TB disease can
arise. Only about 10% of people infected with TB germs will
getting TB disease.

What are the symptoms of TB?

TB can attack any part of the body but are most often
is the lungs. Person
who has tuberculosis may experience some or all of the following symptoms:
* Cough for more than 3 weeks
* Fever
* Weight loss without cause decreased
* Sweating at night
* Achieve always
* Loss of appetite

When someone needs to be checked sputum?
Someone needs to be examined sputum, if:
# A cough with phlegm for three weeks or more
# Cough with sputum containing blood

Sometimes, people who have TB coughed up bloody sputum.
Some people with active TB disease experience symptoms only
Tuberculosis Information - Indonesian

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Are regular tests for TB?

1. Tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test) shows whether a person
may be infected.
2. Chest X-ray can show whether there are impressions of TB in the lungs.
3. Sputum test shows if there are TB germs in the sputum dibatukkan.

How to prevent another:
# Immunization in infants
# Increasing the resistance of the body with nutritious food


Source: website IDAI

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