Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Depression - Self-Help Techniques

Depression is a mental illness that may vary from person to person and severity. Normally it is recommended to take medical help if a person is suffering from depression, as severe depression in a person may lead to harming oneself and even committing suicide.

However, if you feel you are suffering from lower or mild levels of depression, you can take action to take care of yourself. Before you start taking anti-depressant pills, try the following self-help tips. They may work wonders for you, and if they don't, you have nothing to lose as they do not end up having side-effects like the anti-depressant your doctor prescribes you.

1. Get a self-help book for yourself. Self-help books may do wonders for you. Some of the self-help writers like Og Mandino, Eckhhart Tolle and Dale Carnegie are known world wide for their effective writing techniques when dealing with self-help issues. You may want to go to a library and dive into the self-help section for books that you will feel are written specifically for you. If you think you can afford buying a book, you can go to the bookshop and buy a book, so that you can read it and keep it with you.
2. Music is termed as the food of the soul. For many people, music relaxes the mind and body, and one feels calm. You can listen to the music you like in your free time and experience a soothing feeling in your body.
3. Entertain yourself by going to an exhibition or festival. Take out some time for yourself.
4. Talk to your friends more often. Sharing things in your life may help you feel lighter and more relaxed.
5. Try meditation.
6. Enjoy nature. Enjoy sunrise, sunset, birds and trees.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Imran_Al

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